In This Month’s IMJ July/Aug 2016

What Proportion of Patients Meet the Criteria for Uncomplicated Sepsis in an Irish Emergency Dept? 

McNevin et al found that among 3585 adult patients attending their ED, a total of 150 (4.2%) met their sepsis criteria.

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Accrual to Cancer Clinical Trials: 

Kelly et al that among 140 commencing a new anti-cancer agent only 5% (7 patient) were entered into a cancer clinical trial (CCT).  This rate is low and is a barrier to improvements in cancer care.  The reasons are multiple.  The authors state that the object is to raise the CCT rate to 10%.

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Perampanel:  An audit of the clinical experience using the epilepsy electronic patient record: 

Ryan et al used the electronic patient record (EPR) to evaluate the use of Perampanel in 70 epilepsy patients across two centres.  In worked best for complex partial seizures.   The medication was discontinued in 20 (28.5%) patients because of side-effects including behavioural alteration, sedation, and dizziness.

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An Audit of the Effectiveness of Large Group Neurology Tutorials for Irish Undergraduate Medical Students

Kearney et al undertook an audit of undergraduate neurology teaching.  A series of tutorials over an 8 week period improved their history taking, clinical examination, and ability to formulate a differential diagnosis.



An Unusual Case of Urinary Bladder Arteriovenous Malformation

 Gnanappiragasam et al present the case of a 45 year old man with haematuria and frequency.  Following extensive urology investigations a diagnosis of A-V malformation was reached and the tumour was removed. The patient made a good recovery.



High Prevalence of Stress Urinary Incontinence in Adult Patients with bronchiectasis

Duignan et al found that among 40 female patients with bronchiectasis a total of 19 (48%) had associated stress urinary incontinence (SUI).  The affected patients were advised about reduced fluid intake and opportunistic micturition voiding.   

