May 2024; Vol. 117, No. 5

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Case Series

Skin reactions associated with glucose monitoring devices

Finnegan et al. describe 5 cases of skin reactions to diabetic monitoring devices. The allergens may include isobornyl acrylate and colophonium.


Short Reports

Recognition and expressed insight on Advance Directives by patients with cancer

Doolan et al. address the issue of advanced care directives (ACDs) among a group of cancer patients. None were aware of the new legislation but 87% stated that they would consider making an ACD.


Original Research

An Analysis of the contributing factors to Paediatric Patient Safety Incidents in Emergency Departments

Reidy and O'Dea address the issues around paediatric safety issues. Factors consistently encountered are ED overcrowding, deviations from protocols, and communication problems.

Experiences and Perceptions of Physicians Utilizing the Irish Language

Carr and Antonijevic-Elliott describe the use of Irish in medical practice. Situations are recounted where its use was necessary.

Clinical utility of ABR testing under general anaesthesia in Autistic children

Nae et al. report that among 59 children with autism who had a hearing test under the general anaesthesia there were only 2 cases with an abnormal result. In view of the low yield, the authors suggest that a hearing assessment that does not require a general anaesthetic is needed.

Early Medical Abortion – Education and Training Experiences

McAuliffe et al. surveyed medical students and GPs on their opinion about medical abortion training. 92% of students, 75% of trainers, and 54% of trainees felt it should be mandatory.

Latest Editorials

The role of Medical Imaging in the Investigation of Nitrous Oxide Toxicity

Keady and Torregiani discuss the growing use of Nitrous Oxide (N20) as a recreational drug by Irish children and adolescents. Its rapid increase in use and prevalence has led to the need for greater MRI capacity.

Resuscitation training in Ireland - past to present

Kenny and Naas discuss the history of resuscitation training, as well as exploring the variety of initiatives which have been implemented in resus training.

Mortise Ankle X-Rays in Surgical Planning and Post-op Recovery

Bouchard et al. discuss the factors that may lead to superior radiographic efficiency, specifically with regard to mortise ankle X-rays.

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