Faculty of Radiology, RCSI
Radiation Oncology
Annual Scientific Meeting
2021 Poster Presentations
2021 Oral Presentations
Junior Obstetricians and
Gynaecology Society (JOGS)
Annual Scientific Meeting
2021 Oral & Poster Presentations
2020 Oral & Poster Presentations
Surgical Society, RCSI
Intercollegiate Senior
Surgical Case Competition
2021 Oral Presentation
Irish Paediatric Association
2021 Oral Presentation
2021 Poster Presentation
Articles on this Month's Quiz (Quiz available Monday 23rd Jan)
Monaghan and Crowe have studied maternal visiting patterns when their baby was in the PICU. There were 247 neonatal admissions in the study. The timing of the first visit by mothers to their babies was 181 (73%) within 24 hours. The breast feeding rate was 57%. The authors emphasise the importance of facilitating maternal visiting.
Medlar et al describe the functioning of a virtual fracture clinic. There were 822 patients in the study. Following referral from the ED, 369 (44.9%) were reviewed within 3-7 days. The authors describe the advantages of the programme.
Sweeney and Azvee have examined smart phone use by psychiatry NCHDs. Among the 63 respondents, 35 were not provided with a work phone. Twenty seven had their personal number linked to the work directory and 13 were contacted by patients and families during working hours and 6 outside working hours. |