The appointment above is offered on contract terms for an initial period of three years. Salary, dependent on experience ranges from £107,777 to £132,984 per annum. In addition the post holders will be paid a sum of 10% of the basic salary for undertaking on-call duties and a supplement of 8% of the basic salary in order to provide cross cover of colleagues, for whatever reason, up to a maximum of ten weeks per year.
Passages are payable and transportation of personal effects and accommodation is subsidised.
Please contact the following for an informal discussion: Dr Keti Pachkoria, Consultant Ophthalmologist, on +(350) 20072266 ext 2229 or email [email protected]
Application packs may be obtained from the Human Resources Department, Gibraltar Health Authority, St Bernard’s Hospital, Gibraltar Tel: +(350) 20072266 ext 2079 or email: [email protected]
Closing Date: 19th January 2018